SMW UNK-4 (17th Dec, '94 - 24th Dec, '94)
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Used for: Promo - SMW Christmas Chaos Tour

15 new themes used before 17th Dec, '94:
Devistator (a) (2:44) (CHAP AV062 (1993))
Magnum (2:22) (ACL-001 (1984))
Date Tripper (3:25) (ACL-028 (1988))
Runway Lights (2:26) (ACL-006 (1984))
Closer Look (2:19) (ACL-006 (1984))
Keeper of the Flame (Alternate - Minus Melody) (3:35) (ACL-020 (1988))
Keeper of the Flame (3:35) (ACL-020 (1988))
Run for Glory (4:26) (ACL-020 (1988))

15 new themes used after 17th Dec, '94: